Forge Dallas Partners…
…with local church and missions and non-profit organizations to mobilize the people of God to participate in the everyday mission of God.
Forge gives itself as a servant to the local church and missions and non-profit organizations. As we have sought to listen and learn from pastors and leaders throughout the country, we have heard many express similar longings to see everyday individuals mobilized into the spaces they inhabit. The hope is for a movement of God’s people to embrace their opportunity and calling to join Him in His redemptive mission in the places they live, work, and play. To this end, Forge Dallas creates partnerships with the local church and mission and non-profit organizations to mobilize people and pioneer new expressions of the Gospel across neighborhoods, networks, work spaces, & third spaces.
In partnership we hope to help discover the answers to the following questions:
How do we activate the people of God and mobilize them into the mission of God?
How do we help those we lead live as Jesus incarnated into a specific place or alongside a specific group of people?
What kind of discipleship transforms and catalyzes movement?
What are the necessary pathways to see movement spread and sustained?
Partnerships include:
A personal coaching relationship. The Forge hub liaison will meet 12 x year with the local church, network, or nonprofit. The Forge hub liaison is also available for additional questions and coaching.
A regional relationship with other partners and practitioners. The regional learning community will provide the space for these regional relationships to be formed and nurtured.
A national relationship with the Forge AmericaTribe. An online forum, as well as a yearly partner gathering will provide the space for national relationship to be formed and nurtured.
Partner Training. This four-hour training will help the partner understand the “why” of the Forge missionary formation residency, its essential components, best practices for deploying, and how to utilize the training for organization shift.
Online Training. The Forge online training, also called the Forge Missionary Formation Residency is provided to the partner to assist them in equipping those they lead to join God in His mission and pioneer new expressions of church. This residency is 5 months in length and is delivered via an online platform in and through the local church.
Additional Online Resources. Forge has compiled thousands of hours of resources to assist each partner as the mobilize women and men and aid in pioneering new Kingdom expressions and missional initiatives.
Shared Learnings. We believe the most significant learnings happen from those on the edges “giving it a go.” Forge relies heavily on the local learnings to inform how we continually shape our training.
Shared Stories. Your story and the stories of those you train will develop throughout this partnership. Forge utilizes these stories to inspire others. It is In stories that others see themselves and are inspired to also join God in His life changing, community transforming mission.